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American School of Wrocław – new campus soon in Bielany Wroclawskie

Mrs. Minakshi Sharma, director of American School of Wrocław talking about the School and the new development in Bielany Wroclawskie. Interview by Maciej Wełyczko.
American School of Wrocław – new campus soon in Bielany Wroclawskie

When the ASW has been founded ?

August 2011, we started with nursery and kindergarten. In 2015, ASW invested in their own location at ul.Partynicka , and due to high demand by parents and the international community ASW is expanding by opening a new location in Bielany from 1st September 2021.

What was the original idea behind it, which lead to the decision to set it up?

The original idea behind was to open an international nursery, kindergarten, and primary school where children can follow the Polish National Education program (approved by “MEN”) and American Core Knowledge curriculum, a program which places a balanced emphasis on both Polish and English language, with native English speakers and polish teachers. 

Can you describe the key elements of your project, please ?

Provide holistic and bilingual education to children from nursery till high school, in a safe and modern building with innovative ideas. English is the main language of communication, which enables children to learn the language naturally in an international environment.

Is course compliant to the Polish official education program as defined by Poland Ministry of Education ?

Yes of course. American School of Wroclaw is registered as a private school with public rights, approved by Ministry of Education. Students receive Polish “świadectwo” and American certificate at the end of the school year.

Are your students prepared for direct application to the secondary Polish education level, upon their final graduation from ASW ?

Yes, as they have Polish “świadectwo”, of completing the primary education.

Where are you located ? How many campuses have you got ? What is planned position of Bielany Wroclawskie campus, is it going to become the new school headquarters or just a new additional campus, operating in parallel with the mother location at Krzyki Partynicka street ?

The main headquarter stays at Partynicka (which includes nursery, kindergarten, and primary school (Grade 1-3)). From September 2021, ASW is opening a second campus in Bielany (nursery, kindergarten, primary school Grade 1-8, and high school). Both campuses will be operating parallelly.

What differentiates your school from the others ? What is unique in its portfolio, the students and their parents can benefit from ?

Children are learning English naturally, with the Polish program. All the specialist lessons like art, music, sports lesson, ICT, library lessons are conducted in English. School offers homework club, from 3-4 pm for parents who prefer homework to be completed at school. We give support to students who need psychological support, speech therapy, children with special needs and children with different disabilities, with the specialist teachers. We also provide ESL lessons (English as second language) for students who have difficulties with English. Lessons are prepared by qualified ESL teachers.


ASW offers bilingual education programs for all students but also emphasizes various extracurricular activities.

What extra activities, the students and their parents can benefit from ?


  • Extra activities (3-4 pm everyday);
  • “Door to door” school transport;
  • Our own kitchen - fresh and healthy meals every day;
  • Camera access for parents;
  • Cultural days and international festivals;
  • Teacher-student ratio 18:2 (primary), 16:2 (kindergarten and primary), with Native English Teachers and Polish Teachers;
  • Modern facilities: swimming pool, multifunctional sports hall, outdoor playground, IT room, science labs, 98 parking places and colourful and spacious classrooms;
  • Student uniforms.

Who are you teachers ?

Our teachers are usually from the United States, England, Ireland, South Africa,  and Canada, Australia who have qualifications and experience in international settings. To implement the Polish program we have Polish qualified teachers who are teaching Polish as a first language and also Polish as a second language. We also have specialist teachers for polish programs like Historia, Technika. Chemia, Fizyka Matematyka, Geografia.

Is English the leading language used in the daily school educational course ? What about Polish classes ?

English is the main language used at ASW. During free playtime, or in the cafeteria, or outside, children are allowed to use English only. Polish language is used during Polish lessons only.

Are there any other foreign languages being taught at ASW ?

Apart from English and Polish, we offer Spanish and German.

What is the model of school collaboration with the parents ?

PTA - Parents teachers association. Group of Parents who organize events and are fully involved in school activities for students, parents and teachers, to bring the community together. Parents are always welcome to schedule a meeting with the admin team to get to know more about the school.

How do you introduce your school and its portfolio to the new students and their parents ? How they can you get more insight into your project, prior to the registration ?

Parents can send the student for the trial day (1-3 days). New Parents can meet the teachers and admin team to talk about child’s education. 


More information:


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Autor komentarza: Mikołaj PawlakTreść komentarza: Łukasz to jest gość !Data dodania komentarza: 23.11.2023, 09:41Źródło komentarza: MAILO – psi champion z Kobierzyc!Autor komentarza: AniaTreść komentarza: Czekamy na najlepszą szkołę w Bielanach Wrocławskich :)Data dodania komentarza: 17.11.2022, 01:10Źródło komentarza: American School of Wrocław – wkrótce z nowym zespołem edukacyjnym w Bielanach WrocławskichAutor komentarza: JacekTreść komentarza: ta cała przerubka dróg to jedno wielkie gówno ja proponuję wszystkim w odległości do jednego kilometra od przyszłej autostrady złożyć wnioski o odszkodowanie jak jeden mąż i żona bo najpierw wydają pozwolenia na budowę a potem budują drogę pod nosem najlepiej niech puszczą drogę przez podwurko tych planujących drogi niema nigdzie tak powalonych polityków jak w Polsce powinni mieć napisane na plecach ubij waćpan wstydu oszczędźData dodania komentarza: 15.11.2022, 18:59Źródło komentarza: Autostrada A4. Zbliża się potężny remont na terenie gminy KobierzyceAutor komentarza: JATreść komentarza: moje dziecko chodzilo do złobka asw i bardzo nie polecam. Rozwiazałąm umowe po kilku miesiacach. Dzieci nawet takie malutkie siedza i ogladaja bajki w złobku... Mam jeszcze inne zastrzezenia o ktorych nie chce tu pisac.Data dodania komentarza: 15.08.2022, 15:16Źródło komentarza: American School of Wrocław – wkrótce z nowym zespołem edukacyjnym w Bielanach WrocławskichAutor komentarza: Wrocław Treść komentarza: Moje dziecko jest w ASW od początku puki było mała kameralna placówka było super wszystko dopilnowane. Aktualnie podstawówka to nie porozumienie dzieci się nie uczą program jest nie realizowany . Zamiast się uczyć włączają filmy do oglądania albo proponują rysowanie lektur w 4 klasie . Zdecydowanie nie polecam . Szukam alternatywny bo płaci się dużo pieniądze ze przechowanie dzieci. Data dodania komentarza: 27.02.2022, 02:50Źródło komentarza: American School of Wrocław – wkrótce z nowym zespołem edukacyjnym w Bielanach WrocławskichAutor komentarza: yyyTreść komentarza: kolejny oświecony z poziomem wiedzy medycznej 0. Przekazujący baśnie i wierzenia z mchu i paproci, że niby szczepienia sa groźne itd. Jak nie masz wiedzy i doświadczenia to posłuchaj tych co mają. Nie jednego nawiedzonego pseudo lekarza ale większości lekarzy. Data dodania komentarza: 14.11.2021, 22:27Źródło komentarza: Wrocław szykuje punkty szczepień masowych. Szczepienia drive-thru na lotnisku
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